Natural Diets for Drug Detoxification
Drug Detoxification
The drug detox procedure varies depending on the drug, different for cocaine, marijuana, opiates, etc. For opiates, side effects associated with drug withdrawal are severe and include flu-like tremors, vomiting, insomnia, high blood pressure, sweating, chills, leg trembling and cramps. To deal with opiate withdrawal, medical supervision or at least chemical aid must be used to get the body (and brain) through the process.
Benzodiazepines, like opiates, also wreak havoc on the body during withdrawal. For these, gradual dose lessening is used to get over addiction.
No medical detox exists for marijuana, cocaine or crack. However, commercial herbal products are available made with a combination of vitamins and minerals intended to quickly detox the body of traces. These products should be considered with caution, as their primary goal is to clear users through drug tests and not to detox a body from addiction.
Foods To Avoid
Though no one diet will detox the body entirely from drug abuse, certain foodstuffs should be avoided while detoxifying so as to make the process smoother and more comfortable. Try to avoid red meats, dairy, eggs, wheat, processed sugar, salt, pickled foods, soda, coffee and tea.
Foods To Pursue
Some natural herbs and foods are recommended by doctors for patients suffering through drug withdrawal. One common herb aid is passionflower, which can soothe those going through opiate withdrawal. Foods that can help you to feel better during drug detox are fresh fruits and vegetables, fish, olive oil, garlic, beans, rice, nuts, herbal teas, oats, honey, tofu and lots of water.
More Than a Diet
If you have a drug or alcohol addiction or know someone who does, it is important to recognize that diet is only one aspect of rehabilitation. Seek out support groups, resource hot lines, inpatient and outpatient rehab clinics and doctors, or even just someone who will listen. Addiction Help Line can locate treatment options in your area. (See Resources.)