Alcohol Relapse Prevention Classes in Maryland
Alcohol Education Programs (AEP)
Police car A Marylander can be assigned to the 12-hour AEP classes after a DUI conviction if referred by a district court judge or by an administrative law judge in the Office of Administrative Hearings, or if applying for a new driver's license after an old one was revoked due to DUI. If found to be alcohol dependent or an alcohol abuser, the person will be sent to a longer 26-week alcohol-treatment program, which uses the AEP curriculum and incorporates 12 hours of alcohol education. A reasonable amount of time will be given by the courts to allow the individual to complete the required program. Completing these courses will earn the individual a certificate; and failure to complete will result in suspension of license. Classes can be found by contacting the Driver Instructional Services Division.
Prevention Pathways Online Courses
Taking a drink Prevention Pathways Online Courses are open free of charge to the public. Some provide certification credit hours for professionals, while others are intended for the general public who have an interest in prevention of alcohol and/or drug abuse. A few of the courses targeted at consumers rather than professionals help to evaluate prevention programs to determine the right one for the consumer. Other courses might explain topics of interest to family members of an alcoholic or those affected by alcohol in some way.
Maryland Alcohol & Drug Abuse Administration Resource Directory
Martini glass The Maryland Alcohol & Drug Abuse Administration of the Department of Health & Mental Hygiene offers an online Resource Directory. Here, individuals can search for substance abuse treatment by county, ZIP code, level of care, special populations, name and other services. Searching under "DWI Education" under the Other Services tab will bring up a listing of all Alcohol Relapse Prevention classes in the state, listed by county. All of the courses listed on this site are approved by the Maryland Alcohol & Drug Abuse Administration.
Tom Wilson Counseling Center
Wild Turkey Tom Wilson Counseling Center offers online alcohol relapse prevention classes for the state of Maryland. In order to register for any of these online courses, you must obtain pre-approval from the court to make sure the course fulfills any DUI/DWI requirements imposed by the court. Online DUI Education Programs are available in eight-hour to 78-hour formats, for prices ranging from $150 to $1,463. Online relapse prevention classes are available in an eight-hour format for $150 or a 16-hour format for $300.
Inpatient Relapse Prevention or Sober Living
Behind the bar If you're searching for inpatient alcohol relapse prevention classes, there are a variety of good facilities throughout the state. One is Father Martin's Ashley, a private 66-bed treatment center located in Bel Air in Harford County. The treatment at Father Martin's Ashley is covered by many insurance companies. Another option is Gale House, which provides a sober living environment for men and women, located in Frederick. This is an affordable option available to those who may have already gone through inpatient rehab, but are not yet ready to live alone and resist the temptation of alcohol on their own.
Gale House
(301) 662 2303