Alcohol Treatment Program
The First Step
If you are an alcoholic, you can defeat your addiction, but only if you want to quit. The addiction can be frustrating for loved ones, especially when the alcoholic is in denial. Loved ones are not helpless, though. An intervention is one way they can help.
An alcohol intervention should take place in a nonthreatening, neutral place that does not serve alcohol and at a time when you will be sober. Family members, showing their concern for you, should have examples of how alcohol is destroying your life. Most-recent examples are the best. This should not be a time when you feel personally attacked.
Alcohol Treatment Programs
The chances of defeating alcohol addiction increase once you are ready to seek help. The best program for you depends on your personality. A standard treatment program involves detoxification. The goal is getting you sober. Detoxification is usually done through inpatient care. Once sober, you will be released for outpatient care. Outpatient care may include counseling aimed at helping you understand the negative impact alcohol has had on your life.
Other alcohol treatment programs are the 12-step and goal/reward programs. The 12-step program is likely to work for religious people. The first steps are admitting you are powerless over your addiction, and you recognize a higher power can help you defeat your addiction. The goal/reward program uses positive reinforcement to help you overcome your addiction. The program involves making goals and rewarding yourself when you reach those goals. For example, after a month without a drink you might reward yourself with a small shopping spree with the money you have saved.
Alternative Alcohol Treatment
An alternative alcohol treatment is eating better. Good nutrition is essential in defeating alcohol addiction. It can lead to a healthier mind and better decision-making. Cut down on sugars and starches and increase your protein intake. Sugars are often found in sodas and sweets such as cookies and candy. Peanuts and meat products are good sources of protein. Taking a multivitamin and mineral supplement can also help.