Xanax Addiction Help
Gradual Discontinuance
Early in a Xanax addiction it may be possible for the prescribing doctor to gradually reduce the dosages and slowly wean the patient off of the drug. This method of treatment for addiction should only be used under the close supervision of a medical professional. For some individuals, their addiction is so great that the reduction in dosage will cause withdrawal symptoms requiring intervention by a detox center.
Detox Center
Withdrawal symptoms can seem unmanageable to an addict and may include nausea, vomiting, chills, insomnia, anxiety and headaches. It is important for the individual to seek help at a detox center in order to deal with these symptoms and make it through the withdrawal phase without relapsing. Stays in detox centers under the care of medical professionals usually last one to two weeks.
Even after making it through the withdrawal and purging their system of the Xanax, the addict still faces a difficult road in beating their addiction. Counseling is a very important part of the recovery process in learning how to deal with cravings and temptations. An addict can obtain referrals of qualified counselors and psychiatrists specializing in addictive behavior through their primary care physicians, a detox center, or by inquiring at the nearest medical facility.
Support Group
A Xanax addict benefits from realizing that there are many people out there feeling the same way. A search on the Internet can produce many support groups in different communities offering an environment conducive to sharing experiences and overcoming addiction. People attending support groups may success stories to share about how they overcame this powerful addiction.