Side Effects From the Abuse of Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol
Types of Alcohol
Ethyl alcohol, or ethanol, is the kind of alcohol commonly found in alcoholic drinks. There are also three kinds of toxic alcohols: methanol, ethylene glycol, and isopropyl alcohol, also known as isoproponal, the primary ingredient in rubbing alcohol.
Immediate Effects
The ingestion of isopropyl rubbing alcohol will cause central nervous system depression, similar to the effects of drinking normal alcoholic drinks containing ethyl alcohol. It is absorbed rapidly and is more potent than ethyl alcohol, making alcohol poisoning a greater risk.
Side Effects
In addition to intoxication, isopropyl rubbing alcohol can irritate the gastrointestinal tract, causing vomiting or abdominal pain. It also commonly results in a fruity smell on the user's breath and urine as a result of excreted acetone.
Alcohol Poisoning
Due to its potency, rubbing alcohol can be fatal at much lower doses than ethyl alcohol. The primary symptoms of a toxic dose of isopropyl are extreme lethargy and coma, possibly accompanied by vomiting.
If you suspect someone has ingested a toxic dose of isopropyl alcohol, seek treatment for them immediately. Supportive treatment including IV fluids can help flush the alcohol from the patient's system, but due to the rapid rate of absorption, they may already have absorbed a fatal dose before they can be treated.