Drug Abuse & Stress
Stress can affect anyone.
Risk Factors
According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA), events that are stressful can provoke individuals into trying drugs for the first time. Individuals who have a family history of drug or alcohol abuse tend to have higher rates of drug abuse themselves. It is believed that there is a genetic factor in drug abuse and family patterns of drug abuse may bear this out according to research.
Stress is a natural reaction to difficult situations. According to NIDA, stress is a large factor in many individuals who begin to use drugs in an abusive way. It is not at all uncommon to discover that teens began using where there was increased stress in a family due to a divorce or a death in the family. Adults may begin using as a result of catastrophic events such as Katrina or 9/11, or in the face of mounting financial stressors due to job loss.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
According to NIDA, one of the populations that have high rates of drug abuse in relation to stress are individuals suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder--also called PTSD. PTSD is a psychological condition in which a person has been exposed to a traumatic event experienced repeatedly.
Self Medication
One of the aspects of drug abuse and stress is self medication. According to NIDA, many individuals do not realize that they are depressed or feeling anxious when they turn to drugs. In essence, they are attempting to relieve their distressed feelings by using alcohol or other drugs. Drug abuse is a form of escapism from the real problems that an individual is experiencing. As a result, individuals who are extremely stressed are often at risk for drug abuse also.
Potential for Relapse
During periods of stress the potential for relapse for individuals who have been successfully in recovery, even if it is for many years. According to NIDA, the body reacts as if there had been no period of recovery at all and it is easy to fall into drug abuse once again. Physically, relapse is highly possible during times of stress, when the craving for the drugs of choice or alcohol may return with a vengeance.