Opiate Addiction Signs & Symptoms
When a person first begins using opiates, they will seem more happy or content than usual. They may be giggly and talkative, yet very calm and sedate.
Opiates create a tranquil feeling in users. A person on opiates will move at a slower pace, talk slower, and appear sleepy and less alert.
Physical Symptoms
The pupils of a person on opiates will be very small, described as pinpoint. Though the size of the pupil changes depending on how much light is present, the eyes of a person on opiates will be noticeably smaller than everyone else's.
With high doses of opiates, users will start to nod, meaning that they will temporarily fall asleep mid-conversation and even when standing. As a person's tolerance to opiates increases, this effect will occur less often.
For a person addicted to opiates, they will exhibit symptoms of withdrawal if they cannot satisfy their craving. Signs include tremors, chills, a feeling of panic or agitation, and even violence and severe anger.