The Best Way to Stop Alcohol Addiction
12-Step Recovery
Enter a 12-step recovery group such as Alcoholics Anonymous---the best-known 12-step recovery group. Many other groups follow a similar format of weekly or daily meetings for the alcoholic who wants to get sober. Get a sponsor within the group to walk you through the recovery process. Read the literature slowly, and apply the principals of recovery under the guidance of your sponsor. Make sure you have the sponsor's phone number as well as the numbers of other people who have acheived sobriety for a longer period of time. Call them whenever you feel tempted to drink.
Practice Spirituality
In addition to the meetings of your 12-step group, join a group that practices a religion or spirituality according to your belief system (12-step recovery programs refer to this as a "higher power").
Spend time deepening your knowledge and insight into your spiritual life to gain the strength to break your addiction and begin to understand yourself better as you emotionally heal your wounds. Practicing prayer, reading spiritually based books and scriptures, and spending time with people who do not use drugs or alcohol to make life more manageable can only help you gain the personal strength you need to stay sober.
Substitute negative addictions with positive ones. Develop a regular excersize plan. Begin to develop hobbies and interests in activities that do not involve drinking or being in areas where others are using drugs or alcohol. Join a gym. Do community service to help the homeless. Offer to help others do something you know how to do---cooking, playing an instrument, reading to young children or speaking a language, for example. Involving yourself in productive activity will help you overcome your addiction.