Factors for Successful Addiction Recovery
Support Systems
Successful recovery often depends on finding a 12-step group or other support system on which you can rely. Make a commitment to attend meetings and talk to others when temptation to use strikes you.
Make Connections
Find someone who can sponsor you and who you can call when temptation strikes. According to Alcoholics Anonymous, memberships include men and women of every culture, economic and social background; therefore, you may find someone with whom you can connect.
Make Small Changes
Make changes like avoiding certain people, places and things that may trigger your addiction.
Keep a Journal
When temptation strikes or you find yourself ready to fall off the wagon, try to write down what it is you are feeling. If you are an alcoholic romancing how good a drink would taste, play out the scene where you take a drink, drink too much and face consequences.
Finding a Higher Power
Many 12-step programs are spiritual based and suggest participants find a higher power to whom they can turn over their will and their lives. This helps the addict defeat feelings of despair as they have somewhere to turn.
Be Willing to Change
The first step of AA requires participants to admit they are powerless over alcohol. Willingness to change, asking for help, clearing up the wreckage of the past and helping others recover has helped many people successfully recover from their addiction.