Laser-Therapy Treatment for Psychological Addiction to Nicotine
Signs of Addiction
Psychological indications of a nicotine addiction include the presence of behaviors that trigger your desire to smoke. For example, you wake up in the morning and want a cigarette the moment you wake up, or you feel the need to light a cigarette every time you drive. You might smoke while socializing, drinking or chatting on the telephone, and stress may trigger your desire to smoke. To defeat your nicotine addiction, you will have to conquer your physical addiction to the product as well as your psychological desire to smoke.
Laser-Therapy Treatment
Laser-therapy treatment uses low-level lasers to help you deal with your nicotine addiction. The use of lasers is combined with concepts derived from acupuncture and acupressure; the treatment is drug free and non-invasive and is a holistic approach to smoking cessation. Instead of using needles as a professional acupuncturist would or instead of using the hands as an acupressurist would, a laser therapist uses lasers to manipulate and stimulate specific points on your body. A low-level laser stimulates cellular functioning, penetrates your tissues and initiates photo-bio-stimulation. The laser light helps to stimulate your body to produce endorphins: a natural opiate, mood elevator and pain killer.
The Laser -Therapy Treatment Process
Laser therapy will use a laser to stimulate specific points on your ears, face and hands. The points selected are the same points that would be stimulated if you were receiving acupuncture therapy. The lasers use cold light energy generated from light-emitting diodes to stimulate your cells without hindering cell function. Non-thermal light photos radiating between 600 and 900 nanometers (nm) are used to activate cellular activity. Your cell membranes absorb the light to which they are exposed. The cells are stimulated, and your body begins to produce endorphins.
Increased endorphin levels can reduce your physical and psychological dependency on nicotine, diminish withdrawal symptoms and reduce your cravings for the product. The stimulated release of endorphins helps minimize sleep disturbances and intensifies your sense of well being. Points on the body are triggered with lasers to stabilize your metabolic processes and reduce your chances of weight gain after smoking cessation.
Treatment Duration
You should have low laser light-therapy treatments immediately after you quit smoking; withdrawal symptoms are their most severe within the first 72 hours that you quit smoking. Laser therapy is provided over a two-day period. Each session takes roughly 30 minutes, and the process is pain-free. Your first treatment involves a consultation and the first therapy treatment. You will receive one more treatment on the next day.
Controversy and Debates
In 2006, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was petitioned by Public Citizen, a non-profit consumer advocacy and health-research group based in Washington, District of Columbia. Public Citizen presented the FDA with a request to bar the promotion of low laser light therapy for smoking cessation, asserting that there is no scientific basis or evidence that such therapy works and that the low laser light therapy was not yet approved by the FDA for the use of smoking cessation therapy. Currently, the FDA has not yet implemented any changes to meet the petitioned requests presented by Public Citizen. The laser therapy has been approved as a method for providing pain relief through bio-stimulation.