Prevention of Alcohol & Other Drug Use
Community Groups
There are many groups that exist solely for persons trying to break their addictions (e.g., Alcoholics Anonymous), but for those who simply want to avoid drugs altogether, church groups offer a means of support. Community is a vital part of drug prevention, because it is the emotional and spiritual link to a person's health. If you are an addict, don't attempt to quit drugs or alcohol on your own, find help from someone.
Abstinence means that you don't use drugs or alcohol at all, not even in small quantities. This is especially important for people who have detoxed and are trying to prevent themselves from ever falling back into drug or alcohol abuse. The only surefire way to completely disassociate from drugs and alcohol is to completely avoid them. Don't socialize with people who regularly drink or do drugs.
One of the best ways to keep people from using alcohol and drugs is to educate them about the sorts of problems these substances can cause. Multiple medical journals regularly report on the dangers of alcohol and drug abuse. Awareness of the information can help sway a person's decision when he is faced with using these substances for the first time.