Salvia Divinorum Laws
As of 2009, bans on the herb are enforced only in Australia and some European countries, including Belgium, Germany, Italy and Spain.
The United Kingdom twice brought the question of banning the substance to a parliamentary motion, in 2005 and 2008, but the motion failed to garner enough support to be enacted.
Salvia divinorum does not meet the regulation requirements of the Controlled Substances Act in the United States, meaning the Drug Enforcement Agency has not classified it as a controlled substance. However, a few states have made the herb illegal. Others have legislation only restricting its sale.
The most common action taken regarding the regulation of the herb is keeping a record of the people who purchase it. Most tobacco and medicinal herb shops that sell Salvia simply ask for proof that the buyer is over 18.
Proponents of the herb say that it is not habit-forming and produces no known side effects.