Deadly Drug Facts
Heroin is a widely abused drug that is very addictive. According to the 2008 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), approximately 3.8 million Americans aged 12 or older reported trying heroin at least once during their lifetimes. It can be snorted, smoked or injected. Long term use of heroin can cause collapsed veins, infection of the heart lining and valves, abscesses, cellulites, liver disease and pulmonary complications. Street heroin is often made with poisonous additives that do not dissolve when they are injected. This causes blood vessels to become blocked and can lead to death.
Methamphetamine is a stimulant that can be smoked, snorted, injected or ingested. Users may not eat or sleep for days while they are continually using the drug. Long term methamphetamine use can cause paranoia, hallucinations, delusions, violent behavior and mood disturbances. The paranoia can become so extreme that it can lead to thoughts of suicide or hurting others. Methamphetamine abusers may become depressed, anxious, aggressive or paranoid and may have an intense craving when they do not have the drug.
Ecstasy is a stimulant that is known as the party drug. It is commonly used at parties to reduce inhibitions and create a feeling of euphoria. Ecstasy tablets are often made from a combination of other drugs that include methamphetamine, dextromethorphan, ephedrine, caffeine and cocaine. High doses of ecstasy can impair the body's ability to regulate the temperature. This can lead to liver, kidney and cardiovascular system failure, which can result in death.
Cocaine is one of the oldest illegal drugs. It is a stimulant that is highly addictive. Cocaine can be snorted or dissolved in water and injected. Crack cocaine comes in the form of a rock crystal. Crack is heated and the vapors are smoked. A cocaine binge can cause restlessness, increased irritability and paranoia. It can also lead to episodes of paranoid psychosis where the user loses touch with reality and hallucinates.
OxyContin is a prescription pain reliever used for broken bones, bursitis, arthritis, back pain and pain caused by cancer. Abuse of OxyContin can cause a reduction in blood pressure, clammy skin, respiratory depression, a reduced heart rate, coma, and death. The widespread abuse of this drug has led to many states launching efforts to stop the illegal use of OxyContin.