Relapse Prevention for IV Drug Users
One of the best ways to help prevent a relapse is to find hobbies to take up your free time. Idle time leaves space to remember what it was like to use. If you think more about using, you are more likely to act on those thoughts. Finding something that you like to do that can take up any free time will help keep you mind on other healthy things. A hobby may even help you find good supportive friends to help keep you clean.
Another way to prevent a relapse is to avoid any old triggers that may remind you of using. Triggers can be smells, places and even people who were present during times you were using. It is especially important to avoid old neighborhoods or spots where you bought or used drugs.
Avoiding old discouraging relationships and building new encouraging relationships is another way to help prevent a relapse. You may be tempted to spend time with friends who still are using illicit substances. Even if you feel you are strong enough to not use while around those people, it is better to move on and find new friendships or relationships with those who are sober and willing to encourage you to stay sober.
Having items such as needles, heating implements or even tourniquets can act both as a trigger and a temptation to use. Safely dispose of all drug supplies, being sure that any used needles are disposed of appropriately. Used needles are considered a bio hazard and should not be thrown into a regular trash can.
Support Groups
Finding and joining a local support group for recovering addicts is another way to help prevent a relapse into IV drug use. Groups such as narcotics anonymous (NA) provide support and training in ways to keep yourself clean. Many kinds of groups are available, some based on religious principles. Finding one that fits your needs gives you the best chance of remaining sober.