The Effect of Depressants
Types of Depressants
When most people think of depressants, they think of drugs such as barbiturates, benzodiazepines and alcohol. Marijuana is also considered a depressant, along with some types of inhalants. Alcohol is considered the most commonly used type of depressant.
Depressants slow the normal function of the central nervous system. This can be a useful technique when dealing with people who suffer from anxiety, inhibitions or a severe lack of sleep. Depressants come in pills, powders and liquids. That means they can be ingested into the body by a variety of methods. Depressants can be swallowed, smoked, snorted or injected.
Short-Term Effects
The use of a depressant can result in a variety of short-term side effects, which occur during or directly after usage, but eventually recede. Depressants can slow your pulse and your breathing or result in slurred speech. They make it difficult to concentrate, can lower your blood pressure, and cause drowsiness. Fatigue, confusion, impaired coordination, impaired memory and impaired judgment are all conditions that arise from the use of depressants.
Long-Term Effects
Long-term effects continue long after the depressant use has ended. They are generally the result of prolonged contact with depressants, and abuse of the substance. Long-term effects include: addiction, chronic sleep problems, impaired sexual function, prolonged difficulty in breathing, respiratory arrest and death.
Names for Depressants
Depressants come in a variety of forms and with a variety of names. Some common names for depressants include: barbs, alcohol or booze, downers, forget-me pills, reds, roofies, sleeping pills, tranks, whippets or inhalants, yellow jackets and yellows.