Effects From Drug Abuse
Methamphetamine, also known as crystal meth, can cause wakefulness, hyperactivity and lack of appetite. Long-term usage leads to hallucinations, stroke and psychosis.
Amphetamines and Cocaine
Amphetamines increase the heart rate, increase blood pressure, cause shaking, headaches, blurred vision, sweating and faster breathing. Long-term usage causes hallucinations and paranoia. Cocaine is a stimulant that is similar to amphetamines and the effects are similar.
Marijuana is a gateway drug that leads to the use of stronger drugs. The effects are loss of coordination and mood swings. Long-term effects are paranoia and hallucination.
Heroin causes euphoria, wakefulness, sometimes sleepiness and confusion. Long-term usage can cause sudden lethal overdose.
Ecstasy is a stimulant that causes feelings of love and euphoria, mental stimulation and increased energy. It can cause nausea, chills, sweating, cramping and blurred eyesight. Lethal overdoses have been reported.
Prescription Drugs
Abuse of prescription drugs such as Oxycontin, Vicodin and Demerol effects the central nervous system. Long-term usage may cause paranoia, high body temperatures and changes in heart rhythm.