How Much Does Substance Abuse Treatment Cost?
Drug rehabilitation facilities come in many forms. Some specialize in physiological addictions (like heroin and methamphetamines) and offer medical treatment for their patients. Other rehabilitation facilities come in the form of gated communities, nursing care centers or support groups.
The National Substance Abuse Treatment Services Survey found an average monthly price of approximately $7,000 for drug treatment facilities. For severe cases or longtime abusers, costs are typically higher.
A drug rehabilitation facility's price reflects the cost of breaking an individual's physical addiction, physiological and psychological rehabilitation, and preparing them to re-enter society. Another benefit is financial savings from money that would have been spent on the addiction.
Time Frame
Each substance abuse case is unique, and individual times for recovery vary widely. Some people will be rehabilitated enough that they can re-enter society after just two months of inpatient treatment. For others it may take a year or longer, and the risk of relapse is ever present.
Keep in mind that substance abuse treatment costs are tentative, and any time frames or prices given may not reflect the actual cost of treating particular patients.