How to Recover From Alcohol & Drugs
Things You'll Need
- Telephone book or Internet connection
- Access to a phone
- Address book
- Transportation
Stop using the substance you are addicted to. Consult a local detoxification center about admission to rid your system of the drugs or alcohol you use. Detox centers typically will admit you for at least three days to ensure your system is clear of the addictive chemicals.
Use the Internet or a telephone book to find a local support group or fellowship of recovering drug addicts or alcoholics. The people who will understand are those who have made the same changes you are about to make.
Attend meetings with the group that you chose, and try to contact someone from your group at least once per day. Surround yourself with people who can help, not anyone you have used drugs or alcohol with.
Become aware of corrosive relationships. Corrosive relationships are those that exhibit co-dependent characteristics, abusive situations and emotional stress. The more tasks that you focus on, the less focus you'll have for each task. Your No. 1 task right now is recovery.
Work on your character faults by admitting them to a supportive person from your group or to a counselor. Talking about problems or concerns is a helpful tool in self-improvement.
Begin to repair connections with loved ones once you have remained sober for longer than six months, and explain why you acted as you did when were using a substance. This is one of the hardest parts of recovery. Family and friends may not understand and may have their own reasons for discontinuing their relationship with you. This is one of the consequences you must take responsibility for.
Continue to remain sober and stay active in support groups. Other drug addicts and alcoholics can benefit from your experience and positive results. Giving support to others is also a way to remain active in the support group as well as a way to build self-confidence.