Crystal Meth Addiction Symptoms
The chemical symptoms of crystal meth occur in the nerve cells, specifically in the neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are the chemicals used to communicate between nerve cells, or neurons, and they are necessary for any and all thought and actions. Crystal meth affects these chemicals by encouraging a rise in the level of the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin, often depleting the body's store.
Immediate Symptoms
The sudden rise in dopamine and serotonin levels produces a rush of physical pleasure. This rush can occur at different times and levels of intensity depending on how the crystal meth was taken; if taken through smoking or intravenously the effect occurs almost immediately, in about 10 seconds, and is very strong. Snorting or ingesting the crystal meth will produce a similar, weaker effect but in 3-5 minutes. Overdose can also occur immediately after taking crystal meth; its symptoms include heart problems, convulsions and a high fever.
Long-Term Effects
Over time, the continued use of crystal meth can have disastrous effects for the human body. These include brain damage, heart failure and strokes. In addition, the regular use of the drug can result in acute psychiatric and psychological symptoms. These symptoms can lead to the desire to commit suicide or homicide.
Behavioral Effects
The behavioral effects of crystal meth are many, and all are both noticeable and debilitating. They include increased aggressiveness, irritability and anxiousness or nervousness. In addition, someone using crystal meth will talk constantly, be repetitious in their speech, exhibit depression or express a lack of interest things he once liked. Finally, a user might exhibit bloated feelings of confidence and power or undergo sleep disturbances.
Other Symptoms
Other symptoms can be equally devastating. For pregnant mothers using meth, their children can be born equally addicted to the substance. In addition, the sudden rise in dopamine and serotonin levels means the brain is lacking these substances in the following days, so the brain does not function properly. Finally, crystal meth can give the feeling of incredible physical exuberance, and someone under its influence may feel he can stay active and sleepless for long periods of time, doing serious damage to his body.