Why People Abuse Drugs
Peer Pressure
Some people, especially teenagers, abuse drugs due to peer pressure. They might use the drug simply to fit in. Once they get started down this road, it can become harder and harder to stop.
One of the reasons people abuse drugs is because they are self-medicating a condition such as depression and anxiety. Many people who suffer from these disorders will turn to drugs to make themselves feel better. Even when drugs are obtained the correct way--through a legitimate doctor--they can still be abused.
Some people abuse drugs in an attempt to forget about problems, worries and other things that cause stress. When under the influence of a drug, especially an opiate, worries will go away. Some drugs, such as Valium, will offer a tranquilizing effect and this is a state of mind that some people will seek out constantly.
Many abuse drugs for the euphoric feeling that comes along with ingesting the drug. This feeling is one that is seldom experienced at such heights naturally. Once they experience the pleasure that some drugs provide, people will continue to seek that experience by abusing the drugs. Unfortunately, it takes more and more of the drugs as time goes on to achieve these feelings; this adds to the probability of abuse and addiction.
Avoid Withdrawal Symptoms
One of the most common reasons why people abuse drugs is that once they have started, it becomes almost impossible to stop. Withdrawal from abusing drugs, even if you were abusing them for only a short time, can be extremely uncomfortable. Chills, vomiting and tingling all over are just a few of the early symptoms. A feeling of overwhelming depression and doom can also be a withdrawal symptom.
Learned Behavior
Drug abuse can be a learned behavior. When children grow up in a home where this behavior is prevalent, they might learn this behavior. Medication handed out freely for any aches and pains can plant the seeds for drug abuse in later years
Scientists believe there is a gene that makes some people prone to drug abuse and addiction. This gene has been isolated and is found in other members of the family when drug abuse and addiction are present.