Alcohol Intervention Guidelines
Pick a Proper Setting
The setting is essential to a successful intervention. The location of the alcohol intervention should be a neutral location so the person in need of the intervention can feel relaxed. Alcohol should not be available. Timing is also an important element for success. Hold the intervention at a time when you know the person will be sober and clear minded. Holding an alcohol intervention after you know the person feels guilty for her actions can increase the chance of persuading the person to get alcoholism treatment.
Express Genuine Concern
Before you start to express your concern, get a commitment from the person in need that he will listen and not interrupt you while you speak. Once you have the person's commitment, begin to share your concern. Use examples of recent behavior to support your concern. Let your verbal and nonverbal communications express your worries so the person both hears and sees your concern. To avoid letting emotions get the best of you, write out how you feel beforehand. You do not want out-of-control feelings, like anger and frustration, to turn the alcohol intervention into a session of personal attacks. Personal attacks are counter-productive toward the goal.
Have Answers
Once everyone at the alcohol intervention has had a chance to share their concerns, offer a solution. Give the person in need the names and numbers of places where he can receive alcoholism treatment. To motivate the person to get help, give him an ultimatum. Ultimatums can range from refusing to lie on his behalf or cutting off communication altogether. To make the ultimatum work, you must be willing to follow through. The ultimatum could be the difference maker in making it a successful intervention.