Alcohol Drinking Facts
Alcohol drinking is believed to have started 10,000 years ago or more. The Egyptians used to make beer at home every day, and the Greeks started serving wine with their meals in 1,700 B.C. Beer and wine were also used in religious ceremonies by the people of Greece and Babylon.
Drinking alcohol with meals is believed to assist in lowering elevated blood lipid levels or fats that manifest after consumption of food when the amount of alcohol consumed is 1 drink or less for females and no more than 2 drinks for males each day. This means alcohol consumed in this manner may offer protection against ischemic heart disease, but this is the case for individuals in an age group that categorizes heart disease as the reason for death. Additional evidence suggests that drinking alcohol in small amounts may offer some protection from ischemic stroke, gallstones and diabetes (Type 2).
Effects of Drinking Alcohol
When someone drinks alcohol in excess, on the job performance can be affected as alcohol slows down the time it takes to react and it impairs judgement. Alcohol drinking can also contribute to diminished motor skills and speech problems. Problems with co-workers may erupt as well. Alcohol drinking can also lead to loss of driving privileges or jail time if the person drinking drives and gets stopped by a police officer. Consumption of alcohol can also lead to an unwanted pregnancy when a woman has had too much to drink and cannot make good judgement. Contraction of an STD can also result. Alcohol consumption has also been a factor in sexual assaults. Alcohol drinking can also cause someone to act out of character and lose friends.
Health Risks Associated With Drinking Alcohol
Women who are pregnant increase their risk of having a miscarriage if alcohol is consumed in excess during the first three months of pregnancy. A woman who drinks alcohol while pregnant may also put her baby at risk for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and health problems on an emotional and physical level. Alcohol drinking can also cause high blood pressure, liver damage, pancreatitis and cancer. Other health risks associated with drinking alcohol are alcohol dependency, injuries, crime and suicide.
Alcohol Drinking and Children
When adult members in a family are alcoholics, children in that family may decide to drink alcohol. The reason for this has to do with genetics and the environment. Children who have parents that are alcoholics may also start to take drugs. These children may also develop symptoms of depression, fear and stress, and all these problems can lead to poor performance in school, bad grades and in inability to handle these problems.