How to Detoxify from Methodone

Methadone is a synthetic long-lasting opiate drug. Its traditional use is to treat heroin addiction--addicts receive legal methadone so they no longer have to risk needle use or steal to support their habit. Today, methadone is also used to treat chronic pain that is not well controlled by other drugs. Symptoms of methadone withdrawal can be severe, but they can also be mild if patients have the right information.

Things You'll Need

  • Methadone: at least a three week supply
  • Prescription medications: Clonidine, Trazadone or Vistaril, and Ibuprofen or Naproxen (Alleve)
  • Alternatively, Over-the-counter Ibuprofen or Naproxen and diphenhydramine (Benadryl)
  • Hot water bottle or heating pad
  • Sports drinks or pediatric electrolyte solution
  • Liquid nutritional drinks such as Ensure
  • Clean, quiet facilities with a bathtub
  • Caring attendants
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  1. Taper Off Gradually. Use Medications and Comfort Measures.

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      Drop the dose of Methadone by no more than 10 percent every three days. Because Methadone has a long half-life, withdrawal effects will be felt at least two days after the smaller dose was started. On days three, four, and five of less Methadone, expect sweating, especially at night, runny nose, and an achy feeling. Unless the drop is too much too fast, restlessness, abdominal cramps or vomiting should not occur. A slight increase in dose can halt strong withdrawal symptoms quickly. Resume lowering the dose the next day. The idea is to take less methadone over time.

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      Take medications as prescribed. Clonidine is a medication traditionally used for hypertension, but it also binds to opiate receptors in the brain to make withdrawal symptoms milder. Trazadone is an antidepressant that promotes sleep. Vistaril or Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) relieve anxiety. Ibuprofen or Naproxen relieve pain. None of these medications is habit forming; one week after methadone is completely stopped, they may be discontinued.

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      Use heat to relieve muscle aches and abdominal pain. Hot baths give short-term relief; there is no harm in taking several a day as needed. A hot water bottle or heating pad can be used in bed.

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      Stay hydrated and well nourished. Sports drinks or pediatric electrolyte solutions will replace fluids lost through sweating. Sip slowly if nausea is a problem. Nutritional drinks provide balanced carbohydrates, proteins and fats that are important for keeping strength up and for taking medication, such as Ibuprofen or Naproxen, which should be taken with food.

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      Keep the environment quiet, the bed clean and dry, and do not allow others to disturb the detoxee when he is sleeping. Also administer medications. Give the detoxee a foot rub to stimulate natural endorphins.

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