Possible Treatment of Smoking
Quitting on Your Own
The initial attempt to stop smoking involves quitting "cold turkey" for most people. This means that you decide to stop smoking, and you just stop without weaning yourself off or using materials such as nicotine patches or gum. This method works if you have the will power to quit and stay quit. Often the physical and psychological withdrawal is too much to bear. Physical withdrawal entails flu-like symptoms. Even when the physical addiction subsides in a matter of days, the psychological withdrawal could last much longer, and you might find yourself smoking again or seeking something to aid you in quitting.
Quitting with Nicotine Patches or Gum
Nicotine patches or gum can be used as substitutes for a cigarette when you feel a craving. Many brands of patches and gum come bundled with a plan and gradually decreasing levels of nicotine in the product to slowly wean you off of nicotine. For many people, these options are enough to quit. For cases in which the treatment doesn't take, it is often because the psychological addiction remains strong. When quitting aids like patches or gum don't do the trick, it may be time to look into prescription treatments.
Quitting Using Prescription Drugs
Many drugs on the market claim to aid in quitting smoking. The chemical methods that these drugs employ vary quite a bit. Some suppress cravings, while some may cause smoking to become an unpleasant experience. There are a number of side effects that accompany each drug. You must consult with your doctor if you are considering prescription drugs.
Quitting with a Smoking-Cessation Program
Support from a group of people trying to quit can be helpful. Cessation programs meet regularly and can provide an outlet for anyone who is struggling with kicking tobacco. Being around others who are going through the same thing often puts the end goal in perspective. Cessation programs are offered by hospitals, community centers and work places. If you're serious about quitting, taking any of the measures listed will be worth it.