Colorado Drug Detox Centers
Addiction Research and Treatment Services
Addiction Research and Treatment Services in Denver, Colorado, has been providing drug and alcohol rehabilitation services since 1971. Addiction Research and Treatment Services offers a range of services ranging from residential to walk-in services. Residential services are available for men, women and young people with a specialized program for opioid dependence.
Arapaho House
Arapaho House is in Thornton, Colorado. Arapaho house provides drug and alcohol detox, rehabilitation and counseling. Arapaho House programs are available at 12 locations, and the organization has service centers in four Denver area high schools. Arapaho House provides a wide range of services including residential and outpatient services for men, women and young people.
Harmony Foundation
The Harmony Foundation is a residential drug and alcohol detoxification and treatment program in Estes Park, Colorado. In addition to its residential programs, the Harmony Foundation offers counseling services and non-residential programs and referrals.
The Freedom Center
The Freedom Center, located in Lakewood, Colorado, a suburb of Denver, offers intensive outpatient drug and alcohol detox, treatment and rehabilitation. In addition to outpatient drug rehabilitation services, the Freedom Center also offers individual and nutritional counseling.
Jefferson Center for Mental Health
The Jefferson Center for Mental Health provides outpatient detox, rehabilitation and counseling services in the Denver suburb of Arvada, Colorado. In addition to drug and alcohol treatment, the Jefferson Center for Mental Health offers family and individual counseling, vocational assistance and wellness services.
Oxford Houses of Colorado
Oxford Houses offer self-run, self-supported drug and alcohol rehabilitation houses. Oxford Houses offering drug and alcohol detox and rehabilitation are located in the following Colorado cities: Westminister, Thornton, Longmont, Lakewood, Ft. Collins, Denver and Aurora.