Test for Alcholism
Do you need to consume more alcohol than usual to achieve intoxication or the effect that you want from drinking? Have you noticed that while drinking the same amount of alcohol that its effects have diminished or lessened? Though you used to drink two drinks and feel "buzzed," do you now need more to achieve that feeling?
Do you need to take alcohol to relieve or avoid the symptoms of withdrawal? Do you experience withdrawal effects when you stop consuming alcohol? Some of the withdrawal symptoms are sweating, shaking, depressed mood, agitation, headaches, and stomach problems, along with other signs of distress. When waking up in the morning do you feel so miserable from a hangover that you need to take another drink to help you get rid of that feeling?
Do you drink larger amounts of alcohol over a longer period of time than you intended? Do you stop at happy hour for a couple of drinks and find yourself there hours later with many more drinks under your belt than you intended?
Quitting or Cutting Down
If you have a persistent desire to cut down on drinking and you just cannot, this might mean you have a problem with alcoholism. You have tried to stop drinking and failed many times.
Consuming Time
Another way to test yourself about the signs of alcoholism is to recognize the amount of time you spend obtaining alcohol, using it, and recovering from its effects. If this takes up a good amount of your time, this can be one of the signs of alcoholism.
Ignoring Consequences
Are you ignoring the consequences of alcohol use and continuing to drink despite being afflicted with physical or psychological problems from drinking? For example, someone continues drinking after being told he has psoriasis of the liver from drinking.
Lost Time
Look back and acknowledge the amount of time you have given up in social activities, work, or family time because of alcohol use.