Kinds of Drug Abuse
Club Drugs
Club drugs such as GHB, Rohypnol and Ketamine are generally abused by teens and young adults in nightclub and rave settings. Raves tend to last all night and are typically conducted in warehouses. Individuals who take club drugs are usually lured by the drugs' low cost and intoxicating effects, which intensify the rave experience. GHB and Rohypnol are considered "date rape" drugs because if taken with alcohol, the victim is incapable of resisting sexual assault. Ketamine is often a binge drug that can be snorted or injected; users tend to develop a tolerance for the drug.
Repeated use of these drugs often leads to drug abuse. Abuse of GHB can lead to a coma and seizures. If mixed with alcohol and other central nervous system stimulants (e.g., cocaine), Rohypnol can be fatal. Ketamine abuse can lead to impaired motor skills and possible lethal respiratory issues.
Steroids Abuse
Anabolic-androgenic steroids are used for building muscles and to create a rise in male sexual characteristics. Steroids are sometimes legally prescribed to treat delayed puberty caused by a deficiency of steroid hormones, and muscle loss resulting from AIDS or cancer. Many sports figures and non-athletes abuse steroids. This abuse tends to result from the desire to improve performance and physical appearance. Instead of on a constant basis, steroids are usually abused periodically, taken for weeks or months at a time. This is referred to as "cycling." Steroids are usually taken orally or injected. Steroids abuse can cause health issues that are beyond repair, such as shrinking testicles and reduced sperm count in men, and facial hair growth, enlarged clitoris and a deep voice in women.
Inhalants Abuse
Inhalants are harmful solvents (thinners, glue), aerosols (hair spray), gases (propane) and nitrates (butyl nitrite). These drugs are usually administered by inhalation. Many young children experiment with inhalants first before moving on to other types of drugs. Individuals who abuse inhalants tend to sniff the fumes directly from the containers or spray the aerosol straight into the mouth. They may also soak the inhalant into a rag and puff the fumes from the rag, or sniff fumes from a disposable bag. Inhalants produce a swift rush that lasts for a short time, increasing the need for more. Inhalant abuse can cause unconsciousness or death.
Marijuana Abuse
Known as ganja, pot or weed, marijuana is the most frequently abused drug in America. It is most often smoked, either as a cigarette or in a pipe. Marijuana abuse leads to issues with memory and learning, inability to think clearly and solve problems and impaired perception.
Different types of drug abuse call for different types of treatment. Individuals who are undergoing drug abuse are advised to contact the government-funded Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) for assistance.