Warning Signs of Cocaine Use
Taken in small doses, up to 100 mg, cocaine will make a person feel elated, happy and on cloud nine. He may appear unusually alert, talkative and energetic.
Cocaine can also make a person very sensitive to her surroundings. She may be overly sensative and keen to light, sounds and touch.
Mental Skills and Tasks
Cocaine may allow a person to perform intellectual and physical tasks quicker and easier. For others, it may have the opposite effect.
Physical Apperance
Cocaine can cause pupils to become dilated. Heart rate, body temperature and blood pressure may increase.
In High Doses
In high doses, cocaine can cause tremors; unusual, violent, or erratic behavior; paranoia; dizziness; and muscle twitches. Acute restlessness may also occur.
Cocaine can and does kill, sometimes after the first, small dose. Cardiac arrest and seizures are often blamed, but in fact, cocaine is to blame.