Drug Withdrawal Tips
Symptoms of Drug Withdrawal
Symptoms of drug withdrawal can include getting very hot and sweaty one moment, and then becoming cold the next, runny nose and watery eyes, being grumpy, being anxious and feeling tired.
Although it may not be possible to get rid of these symptoms completely, there may be some ways to help control and to ease the pain you may be going through.
Regulation of Body Temperature
When dealing with the regulation of your body's temperature, it is important to wear layers of clothing that can be easily removed if you get too warm. It may also be beneficial to keep extra layers around you so that if your temperature does shift colder drastically you can add layers to help keep you comfortable. Individuals who are going through drug withdrawal will have trouble keeping their temperature regulated, so these tips may be necessary.
Staying Well Fed
You should keep yourself well fed by never letting yourself get hungry. Eat small amounts of food throughout the day instead of eating a large meal only a few times a day. This will give your body much needed energy as you are going through withdrawal symptoms. At night, having a full stomach can also help you fall asleep, since many individuals going through withdrawal may develop insomnia.
Keeping Busy
Through withdrawal you may deal with thoughts about your drug addiction that can elevate your anxiety and possibly increase thoughts on using again. During these times it is important to stay busy. Many take to hobbies that keep their mind busy on other things, besides their withdrawal symptoms. For example, you may want to collect items, read a book, play computer or video games.
According to the University of Michigan there are also some possible medications you can take that can help relieve stress and other symptoms of drug withdrawal. Medications are based on what type of drugs you may have used, so it's best to talk to your doctor about your options.
Family and Friends
According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, many problems with drug withdrawal will stem from psychological issues that the individual must deal with. Due to this, friends and family support is essential to getting through withdrawal. It may also be necessary to seek out counseling to help control your thoughts on your drug abuse and give you the confidence to continue with your drug detox.