Laser Therapy to Stop Smoking
The Process
Laser therapy for smoking cessation involves helping the body create endorphins that hinder your cravings for nicotine. Laser therapy unifies principles of acupressure and acupuncture, both alternative forms of medicine, so you can more effectively deal with the common symptoms associated with withdrawal from nicotine.
Instead of using micro-needles to affect specific points on the body as is done with acupressure, laser therapy involves the use of low-level lasers that manipulate points along meridians on the body. The laser manipulation offers positive changes in your "chi," or energy life force. Ancient principles of acupuncture and acupressure focus on the belief that your body's natural energy flow affects your health; if your energy flow is unhindered, you are healthy; if your energy is blocked, you may suffer from diseases and disorders.
Laser Points
Laser therapy involves applying the laser to specified points on your body including points on each side of your nose, and on both of your hands, arms, ears, and wrists. Using the laser on the specific points mentioned helps the body release endorphins that reduce your desire for nicotine. The treatment is pain-free and a single session takes approximately 30 minutes. The entire course of treatment with a low-level laser often requires just a single session for success. Some people require additional sessions if they are having a particularly difficult time with the physical symptoms associated with nicotine withdrawal; they may need as many as five sessions.Laser therapy is used specifically to diminish the physical withdrawal symptoms that you experience. Counseling is suggested for minimizing behavioral conditioning, which could encourage your return to your old nicotine-using habits.
Laser therapy is a holistic, non-invasive method for quitting smoking without harmful side effects. No drugs are used during laser therapy, and one or two short laser therapy sessions often supply the individual with positive results; the sessions are calming, allow the individual to relax, and the natural release of endorphins can give the individual a general, overall feeling of well-being. The release of endorphins also offers you elevated energy levels as well.
When Treatment Should Begin
If laser therapy for smoking cessation interests you, bring treatment within the first three days of quitting; during this period, your body is going through a natural and necessary detoxification process where your withdrawal symptoms can prove cumbersome. For about five days after receiving laser therapy, your body will continue naturally releasing endorphins that will help hinder your nicotine cravings, making your first few days of withdrawal easier to manage.