Why You Shouldn't Drink Alcohol & Drive
Drinking and driving with a blood alcohol concentration that is over the legal limit of .08 is illegal. Having a BAC percentage that is lower than .08 but still showing signs of intoxication is also a reason for arrest. If the policeman asks you to step out of the car and perform a field sobriety test, you must demonstrate that you are able to complete each task with no problem. BAC is calculated by a Breathalyzer test and if you fail either of these, you will get charged with driving under the influence, or DUI. This could result in fines, jail time and suspension of license.
Dangerous For You
Drinking and driving is one of the most dangerous things you can do to yourself. Whether you have had one drink or 10, you become impaired; this causes your reaction time to decrease. Considering driving a car is an activity that requires a great deal of concentration and focus, you cannot afford to numb these abilities while behind the wheel. After having a few drinks, you are more likely to swerve, speed, and run stop signs and red lights. When one is driving drunk, the alcohol gives them a false sense of confidence that will make them more reckless than usual.
Dangerous For Passengers
Driving drunk is not only dangerous for you but it puts the other people in the car at risk. When you get behind the wheel after having a few drinks, you are putting their lives in danger. This is why it is so crucial to have a sober friend, call a taxi or use other modes of public transportation if someone is unable to drive. Do not try and convince everyone that you are capable to drive a car. To prevent this scenario from occurring, give your friends your keys before you drink.
Dangerous For Drivers
Besides putting yourself and your friends at risk, you are also putting all of the other drivers and pedestrians at risk as well. Although the Alcohol Alert website states that drunk driving fatalities have been steadily decreasing over the last 20 years from 60 percent to 37 percent, drunk driving is still a problem. Even if drinking-related deaths are decreasing, there are innocent people who still have to live with the pain and suffering that the drunk driver has caused them.
Under Age Drinking and Driving
Although drunk driving can be devastating for someone who is 21 years or older, getting charged with drunk driving as a minor can be a much more serious offense. According to the Under Age DUI website, first underage DUI convictions can result in possible loss of full driving privileges for a minimum of two years, possible imprisonment for up to one year, and a maximum $2,500 fine. The fines and sentences increase for anyone who continues to drive with a suspended license.
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