Free Help for Drug Addiction in Mississippi
Drug Rehab Assessment of Mississippi
This toll free hotline (1-866-391-6530) is a public service provided for the people of Mississippi and other states who believe they are drug addicts and need treatment. Counselors will assess the caller's addiction and refer them to a treatment center based on their prior drug and alcohol use, their family history and ethnic background, legal history and psychological background. All the information given to this hotline or entered in about yourself online is completely confidential.
Drug and Alcohol Rehabs
Drug and Alcohol Rehabs (1-877-421-9659) is a free service for the people of Mississippi that employs volunteer addiction professionals to counsel addicts, works with drug enforcement officials and even inspects 150 rehab programs across the country to make sure they are up to par. They are all licensed counselors as well, and regularly help addicts and their families make a decision that is the most economical and helpful for them to recover from their addictions. The professionals can also deal with just about any type of drug addiction, ranging from alcohol to crack cocaine.
Holistic Treatment Addiction Center
The Holistic Treatment Addiction Center is a worldwide organization that has a 24-hour drug addiction hotline (1-800-559-9503) from state to state, where counselors are standing by to assist with whatever you may need relating to drug and alcohol addiction. The service has a network set up in Mississippi, recommending residential inpatient treatment solutions, drug and alcohol detox advice and rehab centers, interventions for loved ones and dual diagnosis treatments. All these hotlines and phone counselors can help steer addicts in the right direction and are totally free to those who need it most, so they will make the commitment and go to rehab.