Drug Detox Remedies
Withdrawal Effects and Detox
Although many people look for miracle solutions such as pills, diets or teas to help clean drugs out of their system, most remedies are nothing more than scams. Many drugs such as marijuana may remain detectable in the central nervous system for long after you stop use. However, since marijuana does not produce withdrawal effects, you don't need to follow any specific detox remedies.
On the other hand, many drugs produce serious withdrawal effects once you stop taking them. Withdrawal effects may include symptoms such as sweating, headaches and even seizures. Detox remedies aim to reduce severe withdrawal symptoms so you get over the initial unpleasantness and continue unto treatment.
Gradual reduction is one detox method that works for some. Rather than go from complete use to no use, you may try to lessen your dose gradually. However, the reduction approach will not work with drugs like heroin and Vicodin that require you to go "cold turkey" to detox effectively. Consult a drug therapist about the specifics of your drug addiction to see whether you will benefit from complete cessation or progressive reduction.
Replacement Drug Therapy
Drugs that produce severe withdrawal effects often require you to take a less serious substitute drug as you attempt to quit. For instance, many heroin addicts use methadone in a controlled rehabilitation environment to lessen the severity of withdrawal symptoms. In recent years, the government has approved a mild opiate known as buprenorphine to wean patients off addiction to more severe opiates such as heroin, morphine or oxycodone. Unlike methadone, a doctor outside a rehabilitation center may prescribe buprenorphine. In addition to buprenorphine, doctors may use anticonvulsants such as clonazepam to control anxiety, shaking and insomnia experienced during the detox process.
Support Groups and Healthy Lifestyle
Although many serious addicts require outside support to detox successfully, some people are able to detox mostly on their own. Since detoxification will produce symptoms so painful and unpleasant that you may be tempted to use again, you will need tremendous will power to detox without professional assistance. As your body begins to withdraw, find activities that may help to distract you. Think of the things you do to relax. For instance if you play sports, engage in athletic activities or if you are a musician, play your instrument for solace.
Surround yourself with people you trust who can monitor you and help keep you focused. It's natural to fight back and perhaps beg for drugs. Make sure anyone who is with you as you detox will not cave in and give you drugs. If you have friends or family who have overcome addiction and detoxed themselves, spend time with them during your detox. People who have gone through withdrawal and detoxed will understand your symptoms and will keep you motivated. Since you will not have the benefits of replacement therapy during home detox, your main strategy will be to bite the bullet and suffer through the pain. The larger your support group, the easier it will be to not give into temptation and use again.
Next Steps
After your body stops actively withdrawing from drugs, you will need to follow detox up with therapy and a support system that will encourage you to remain dedicated to a substance-free life. Therapists will help you tackle some of the underlying mental concerns and emotional issues that may have contributed to your drug use. Online and in-person support groups will also give you the encouragement to remain dedicated to clean living.
As your body begins to get used to a drug-free life, you will benefit greatly from daily exercise and a protein rich diet. Exercise will help to speed up your metabolism and may increase the rate at which drugs leave your system. Exercise and a healthy diet will also help to repair any harm you may have inflicted on your body due to drug use.