Home Drug Detox With Supplements
Amino Acids
L-glutamine is the addict's friend: 1,000 mg three times a day reduces cravings and calms the brain. After two weeks the dose can be cut in half.
SAMe: 400 mg twice daily relieves stress, depression and pain.
5-HTP: 400 mg at night aids sleep.
L-tyrosine: 500 mg twice a day reduces withdrawal symptoms, especially for cocaine.
Vitamins, Minerals and Herbs
Vitamin C with bioflavanoids: buffered, 1,000 mg every four hours to lessen cravings, stops muscle cramps and aid stamina.
Niacinamide (not Niacin), also known as Vitamin B3: 500 mg. three times a day alleviates depression.
Vitamin B6: 50 mg a day will improve brain function and allow dream recall.
Vitamin B12 in a methylcobalamine sublingual form: 1,000 mcg once a day boosts energy. Most addicts are deficient in B12. In addition to the above, take a high potency multivitamin.
Chelated Calcium: 1,500 mg and Magnesium, 1,000 mg taken together at bedtime treat anxiety.
Zinc: 30 mg once a day guards the liver and immune systems.
Milk Thistle: one capsule twice a day, assists the liver during detox.
Valerian root: two capsules twice a day, is calming and specifically helps cocaine withdrawal.
Food and Fluid
Electrolyte solutions, such as sports drinks, will replace fluids lost from vomiting and diarrhea. Nutrition replacement drinks with 250 to 300 calories containing protein, fats and carbohydrates are easy to digest and will help the body recover. Emotional nourishment is important too, recovering addicts who attend support groups have a better chance of staying clean.