How to Quit Gambling
Things You'll Need
- Discipline
- Self-Control
- Support
- Hobbies
- Positive attitude
- Notebook
- Internet access
- Computer
Give your money to your spouse or other trusted friend! Having money in your pocket or having access to your money is not a good idea when you are addicted to gambling. Have your husband, wife or close friend control your spending. This is not fun, but it is mandatory to quit gambling.
Join a support group! Everyone knows about gambler' s anonymous, and gambling counselors but there is more support groups available. Find a close friend or loved one who has experienced the same addiction. Talk to them about you quitting gambling. If they have quit or have tried to quit, they should be able to support and comfort you during this tough journey! It isn't fun gambling if you are a loosing gambler, it is time to stop!
Research different websites that can help you quit gambling! Get online and type up "quit gambling" and you should be able to find a website that you can join that has a step by step guide to keep you busy. Staying busy is another tip to quitting gambling. Join article writing websites, like this one to keep you busy. Build your own website, or pick up some of your old hobbies that you use to do.
Write down your progress in a journal or diary. Venting about your day really helps you stay focused on your goal of quitting gambling. Reward yourself for not gambling. Go shopping for that special thing you always wanted, you should have money for it now since you are no longer losing your money gambling.
Stay away from those casinos and online poker rooms. You can't tell yourself "oh I can just go once", this will not help you quit. You need to tell your self that "I can't go just once or I will go again"! Remember what happens when you go to the casino, you lose! You can't change your luck! Your winning time will not come, and if it does...You will still be behind in gambling. Don't keep rolling the dice, it will end in a disaster!