Implant Treatment for Alcoholism

A decades-old approach to treating alcoholism is taking medication that makes you sick if you take a drink. Pill forms of disulfiram, sold in the United States under the trade name Antabuse, have been around since the late 1940s. Naltrexone is another medication, with a different action, that is used to combat alcoholism. One issue with such medications is that the alcohol addict can simply stop taking the medicine and resume drinking. So such medications have also been administered as implants.
  1. Action

    • Disulfiram interferes with the normal breakdown of alcohol, causing a concentration of acetaldehyde in the body. The result is an extreme feeling of sickness within five to 10 minutes, including such symptoms as bright red skin flushing, nausea, vomiting, severe headache and fast heartbeat. The reaction continues until the alcohol cycles out of the body. The idea is to keep the patient sober long enough for other, longer-term forms of treatment such as counseling and 12-step programs to take hold. Naltrexone is sold under the brand names Revia and Depade. It does not work in the same way as disulfiram. Instead, it reduces cravings. It is an opioid antagonist, and it is not completely clear why it is effective for alcoholism.


    • Disulfiram implantation currently is not done in the United States. The idea is to eliminate the possibility that the alcoholic will simply stop taking the pills, though the effects of the drug continue for a week or two even after you cease taking it. The device is implanted just under the skin and is left there until the medication is fully dissolved three to six months later, depending on the dosage that's implanted. One problem, however, is that the implant may not release adequate levels of disulfiram to make the person sick upon ingestion of alcohol, and so they continue drinking anyway. Infections at the site of implant have also been noted. The devices are used in some countries, including Australia.

    Naltrexone Implant

    • A Naltrexone product marketed as the O'Neil Naltrexone Implant has gained some traction in Australia. It has also been introduced in the United States. It is effective for about 200 days but in some cases up to a year, and it eliminates the possibility that a patient will forget to take the medication. The product's creator, Dr. George O'Neil, has claimed that the product is actually effective against many addictions, including tobacco, amphetamines, heroin and even gambling. The drug is put into the stomach through a small incision.

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