No Cost Drug Detox Tips

No having the resources or financial ability to get into a rehabilitation facility can make detox and rehabilitation an impossible dream. Attempting to get your life back on track on your own is daunting to say the least. If you are addicted to drugs, you can still find help to get your life back on track.
  1. Home Detoxification

    • Support is essential in starting a detox program and sticking with it. When going through drug detox, you may experience paranoia, insomnia and digestive issues. As the drugs leave your body, you many experience cold sweats and excessive thirst. Above all, when going through a drug detox you will want to find even the smallest drug fix from any source you can manage.

      Having family and friends with you through this helps keep you on track. In fact many detox programs begin because of an intervention. It is important that someone monitor you through the days it takes to get the drugs out of your system. A sweep of your living space needs to seek out any drug and alcohol stashes to make no cheating occurs. Keep blankets to deal with the cold sweats and lots of cool water or sports drinks available to stay hydrated.


    • Some drugs are more dangerous to do a cold turkey detox program compared to others. Tranquilizers and alcohol have the most risks. Beyond the sweating, muscle tension and nausea that most expect with detox, you are at risk of seizures, stroke, or heart attack if you are addicted to alcohol or tranquilizers. Your body stops producing the neurotransmitters it needs to properly function when you are addicted to drugs that replace these neurotransmitters. When the drug is eliminated, the body can go into shock because it does not have what it needs to survive. It is important to consult your doctor before starting a program such as this to take the proper precautions.

    Free Rahabilitation Centers

    • Rehabilitation facilities are one of the best places to go if you are addicted to drugs. They will help you detox from the drugs and develop the tools to stay off them for good. There are inpatient and outpatient centers that offer a wide variety of programs. To find a free detox program, contact you local church or religious organization. They may have detox programs or be able to direct you to the right facility. You can also look online to find free resources. and provide comprehensive information about detox programs.

      Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous are also free rehabilitation programs that may be able to help you take the first steps toward detoxing.

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