How to Detox From Alcohol Abuse
Determine that you are going to cut alcohol from your life and recognize that the detox process can be difficult. Set aside the time you will need to see it through--generally three to seven days depending upon the degree of your alcoholism.
Ideally, your detox will be medically facilitated. The most successful method is to check yourself into an in-patient detox center. If you have the financial means or requisite insurance, make arrangements for in-patient detox. If not, arrange the supervision of a medical professional if at all possible.
Be prepared to undergo a painful detox phase. This may include such physical symptoms as tremors, nausea, vomiting, anxiety, pain and sweating. Understand that these things are to be expected and part of the reason medical facilitation (or at least moral support) of your detox is always a good idea.
Ride out the detox symptoms. This can take hours to days depending on the severity of alcohol addiction. Some people are unable to do this unassisted and turn to prescription aids to help them through the process.
After detox, stay alcohol free. This can be difficult, but even a single drink can (and likely will) lead to a relapse, making all of the suffering associated with detoxing a wasted effort.