The Side Effects of Medical Detox

Detoxification is the process of removing impurities from the body. Health care facilities and physicians all over the world use forms of medical detox to treat various conditions. It can be used to treat constipation, obesity and drug use and to rid the body of toxins, just to name a few. Unfortunately, there are some side effects that you should be aware of before trying this treatment.
  1. Dehydration

    • One of the main concerns about medical detox is that it can cause dehydration. In an article on the Mayo Clinic website written by Dr. Michael Picco, it is reported that medical detox or colonic irrigation can have serious effects on a person's hydration. For anyone who has had their system cleaned out before a colonoscopy you can certainly understand how this might happen. Medical detox tends to cause severe diarrhea and, as a result, a great deal of fluid will move through the bowels. As cells lose water they will dry up which tends to have a detrimental effect on the body's muscles and tissues. As dehydration worsens, the person can lose the ability to think properly or make decisions and major organs start to be affected.

    Heart Failure

    • Heart failure is a serious concern for people who are detoxified. Death can occur from untreated dehydration or from having too much fluid intake. In fact, in an article by Tracy Hopkins, it's reported that the heart failure exhibits after excessive fluid absorption. Dehydration or excessive hydration can have a serious side effect on the heart and its ability to function and pump blood for the body. Other incidents of death have occurred in people who were elderly or very young.

    Decline in Bacteria

    • It may sound strange but the body needs a certain amount of bacteria to perform vital functions such as breaking down food in the colon. In some situations medical detox has interfered with bacteria and caused a decline. If the body does not have the proper amount of bacteria, normal body functions will be impacted.

    Rise in Electrolytes

    • On the Mayo Clinic website, Dr. Picco reports that many laxatives that are used to achieve medical detox can cause a rise in electrolytes. Electrolytes help to promote electric conduction in the body. The body needs a certain amount of electrolytes to promote health. If the body has too little or too much it can cause serious problems. An elevation in electrolytes can be especially dangerous to people with heart or kidney problems.

    Bowel Problems

    • Medical detox is designed to flush the harmful toxins out of the body. During this process several gallons of fluid is flushed through the colon. This process can result in diarrhea and cramping. This can lead to even more serious side effects such as an infection of the bowel or even a punctured bowel. The punctured bowel may come from an increasing flush of fluid through the bowel which can cause weak spots especially in people that have prior bowel problems, are elderly or very young .

    Opiate Detox

    • According to the Mayo Clinic, detox may be helpful for addiction to opioid drugs such as heroine, morphine, Oxycodone and codeine. The side effects can range from mild to severe. Detoxification from these drugs must be overseen by medical personnel. Some of the mild side effects of opioid drug detox can be yawning, sweating, runny nose, cravings and an anxious feeling. More severe side effects include sleeplessness, increased heart rate and breathing, tremors, abdominal pains and vomiting and diarrhea.

    Stimulant and Depressant Detox

    • Stimulants and depressants are commonly abused because they can be somewhat easier to obtain. However, the side effects brought on by medical detox can be quite difficult to endure. The website for the Mayo Clinic reports that depressants can cause minor side effects such as anxiety, sleep disturbance and sweating , restlessness and sweating. More serious side effects of depressants can include hallucinations, body tremors, seizures, increased heart rate, fever and high blood pressure. Stimulants can have minor side effects such as depression, fatigue anxiety and cravings. The more serious side effects consist of paranoia, suicide attempts and acute psychosis.

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