Alcohol Detox Spas
Choosing a Detox Spa
Detox spas offer many amenities designed to ease a patient's recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. While each center varies, and the needs of each patient vary, it is important to consider the key elements necessary to overcome alcohol addiction when choosing a detox center. Although some people focus on the grounds, food, rooms and other more traditional spa-related amenities, it is important to remember that the purpose of a detox spa is to recover form addiction. Most detox centers offer inpatient detox processes for the acute detox period. There is usually a medical doctor, and at minimum a 24-hour nursing staff on premises at the detox center. Psychiatric care should also be available regularly to the patients. Many spas also offer family therapy, courses in relapse prevention, aftercare solutions for patients when they leave the center and/or holistic treatments designed to aid in the recovery process.
Objectives of a Detox Spa
Most detox centers have two objectives. The first is to aid patients through the physical withdrawal from alcohol. This involves isolating them completely form any source of alcohol and monitoring them to manage and treat side effects. Once this initial period of withdrawal is complete, therapy and addiction management becomes the objective. Patients take classes and/or go to meetings and therapy sessions to learn to deal with and uncover the route of their addictions.
According to Alcoholics Anonymous and many other recovery groups, recovery is said to last a lifetime for most alcoholics, as they need to refrain from drinking at any point in any quantity in order to avoid becoming an alcoholic again.
Benefits of Detox Spas
In-patient care at a detox spa has several benefits over attempting to quit alcohol without visiting detox center. Inpatient care or detox centers allow patients to experience the acute detox and withdrawal in a safe environment under the care of medical staff. They also provide a place for patients to be isolated from alcohol while they learn to develop and maintain coping skills that will help them to avoid relapses in the future.
The Detox Process
The initial detox process in which the body purges itself of alcohol lasts between three and seven days, according to The American Family Physician. The subsequent treatment and recovery period varies in length depending on the severity of the addiction. Generally most patients stay in detox spas or centers for an average of six weeks, according to Recovery Connection.
Certain drugs are used during the period of withdrawal from alcohol. Drugs including beta blockers, haloperiodl, phenytonin, carbamazepine, benzadiazeine and clonidine are used to treat the physical symptoms of withdrawal, including nausea, vomiting, tremors, convulsions, sweating, hallucinations, disorientation and anxiety. These drugs are primarily used in alcohol detox programs during the period of acute detox.