Alcohol Outpatient Treatment
12-Step Programs
Many of the alcohol outpatient treatments are based on the 12-step program. Made famous by the group Alcoholics Anonymous, a 12-step program offers tools that focus on spiritual guidance and encourages members to rely on a community of men and women who have had similar experiences dealing with addiction. This view teaches that addiction is a lifelong disease.
Another option for those seeking outpatient alcohol treatment is to find a counselor. Many drug and alcohol counselors are trained to work with people addicted to a specific substance, and they can help those people find a solution to their problem. Often a counselor should be sought first to determine from an unbiased perspective how bad a person's alcoholism is, and to recommend better treatment if the counselor cannot help.
Another outpatient option for those with alcohol addiction problems is to use anti-craving medication. Naltrexone, one of the common anti-craving medications on the market, can be prescribed to those whom a doctor believes would benefit from the drug.
Behavioral Therapy
Since each individual's motivations for drinking are different, those who can afford it should seek out a behavioral therapist. Often used in alcohol addiction treatment programs, behavioral therapists are psychologists or psychiatrists who specialize in human behavior. These individuals can often create individual programs or regimens for alcoholics that might have more success than a general, group-oriented approach.
Regardless of which method of outpatient treatment is used by a person with alcohol troubles, the key is wanting help. Often a person who is legally mandated to stop drinking or who is socially pressured not to drink, will be resentful and only stop for a short time. The key is having the person realize and admit that he has a problem and that he must be willing to do whatever is within his power to change it.