Drugs to Quit Smoking
Chantix is an FDA-approved drug. According to the Mayo Clinic, Chantix makes it easier to quit by reducing withdrawal symptoms. It also blocks nicotine receptors in the brain which causes cravings, reducing the pleasure associated with smoking. It is 60 percent more successful than Zyban.
Zyban is another medication used as a quit-smoking drug. Zyban is the alternative name for Wellbutrin, which was sold as Zyban after smokers reported Wellbutrin reduced nicotine cravings. According to QuitSmoking.com, between 15 and 25 percent of smokers successfully quit smoking with Zyban.
Nicotine-Replacement Drugs
Nicotine-replacement drugs also help people quit smoking. They help smokers quit by reducing withdrawal symptoms. Common brands of nicotine-replacement drugs include Commit, Nicoderm CQ, Nicorette and Nicotrol. According to Drugs.com, nicotine-replacement drugs are just as effective as Zyban.