Harmful Consequences of Substance Abuse

Drug abuse has long been a problem in the United States. Illegal and legal drugs are used in a number of ways and for a variety of reasons. Legal substances such as alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, and prescription medications can be as addictive as street drugs when used inappropriately, and all drugs have negative consequences that include addiction.
  1. Addiction

    • When any drug is used repeatedly for long enough by an individual, that person develops tolerance, the need to use more of the same substance in order to obtain the same level of intoxication, or euphoria, previously experienced. Tolerance is the first sign that addiction is taking place.


    • Alcohol or drug-related legal problems are usually one of the first indications that a problem exists. For legal drugs, legal problems arise when an individual attempts to drive while using or uses enough of the substance to effect his behavior to the point of attracting the attention of legal authorities.


    • People often spend money on drugs that should be reserved for other needs. While hard drugs such as cocaine and heroin are usually associated with financial problems, people who use nicotine and alcohol often fall into this category of substance users as well.

    Relationship Problems

    • People who abuse and become addicted to substances often put their drug use, and addiction before their loved ones. This causes mistrust to develop in family members and significant others, and often divorce or other separation occurs due to the user's substance abuse problem.

    Health problems

    • If an individual uses even legal substances such as nicotine or alcohol long enough and in large enough quantities, she will develop health problems as a consequence of using the drug. All drugs have related health issues if they are abused and used to excess, and the health problems are directly related to the drug used.


    • Drug abuse eventually kills the abuser. While some drugs are more likely to cause cardiac arrest due to drug overdose (cocaine, methamphetamine or heroin), common drugs such as alcohol, nicotine, and cannabis (marijuana) cause gradual health problems that can eventually lead to death from cancer, lung disease or liver problems, along with other possible lethal health issues.

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