Remedies for Alcoholism
Medications can be taken to treat alcoholism. The drug, naltrexone, works to lessen the feeling of having to drink, while disulfiram works to make the alcohol abuser find alcohol unappealing by causing a sick feeling after alcohol consumption. Another drug called acamprosate can help an alcoholic through a period of abstinence by lessening symptoms associated with alcohol withdrawal, and there are other drugs available that work the same way.
Work at Drinking Less
You can always make an attempt to overcome alcoholism by doing whatever you can to drink less. Focus on how your life will improve by eliminating alcohol from it and start putting limits on how much you drink. As a general guide, women should have only one drink a day and men should not have more than two. Anyone over 65 years of age should limit himself to no more than one drink a day. It may also be of some help if you keep a daily record of how much you drink. Don't have alcohol in your home, and try to wean yourself off of alcohol. When trying to resolve a drinking problem it's important to remain headstrong. To help stick to your commitment, avoid anything that may stir up your desire to drink. Connect with friends and family when you feel yourself weakening, and divert your attention away from alcohol by engaging in an interesting activity.
Outside Help
If you feel you cannot kick the habit on your own, consult with your doctor about locating a qualified counselor. Ask him for some support groups he can recommend. You may also want to contact Alcoholics Anonymous for help (see resource below). Alcoholics Anonymous is an association that people with an addiction to alcohol join to discuss their drinking problem. Many of the people who join Alcoholics Anonymous recover from alcoholism and serve as a role model for those who are working hard to stop drinking.