Why Do People Abuse Substances?
Alcohol is often used to decrease inhibition; when used to excess, it can be a method of dealing with the stress of social situations.
Prescription Drugs
An individual takes prescription drugs primarily for the pleasant effects of the medication, rather then the original reason they were prescribed; escape from stress or accidental addiction are two other possibilities.
Central Nervous System Depressants, Prescription & Street Drugs
Central nervous system depressants are generally used to reduce anxiety, lower inhibitions, and to experience a general feeling of well-being. When addiction occurs, the drugs are used simply to feel normal and avoid pain and sickness.
Stimulants are used to obtain extra energy, increased mental alertness, for quick weight loss, and to increase self confidence. Once addicted, they are taken to offset the extreme depression and lack of energy that comes from withdrawal.
Cannabinoids,like marijuana and hashish, are used to relax and obtain a mild euphoric affect.
Anabolic Steroids
Anabolic steroids are used by competing athletes in order to increase muscle mass and enhance physical performance. Some athletes use steroids in order to have a physical advantage during competitive sports.