Effects of Ritalin Misuse

According to aHealthyMe.com, when taken as directed, Ritalin is safe and does not produce a "high" feeling. When taken at higher doses than prescribed or by a person without attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is misuse. Misuse can lead to tolerance and addiction. For those without ADHD, taking Ritalin can create a high similar to ingesting cocaine. This alluring factor can lead to a dangerous road of constant Ritalin misuse and an overwhelming number of side effects.
  1. Statistics

    • True occurrences of misuse are not known, but there is evidence of a growing trend. In 2005, according to aHealthyMe.com, prescription drug misuse by teenagers has tripled in the last 10 years. Furthermore, 4 percent of eighth graders and 8 percent of tenth graders stated that they used Ritalin without a prescription.

    Immediate Effects

    • Misuse of Ritalin manifests immediately into agitation, skin rashes, nervousness, insomnia, loss of appetite, headaches, tremors, heightened mental acuity and hypertension. Psychiatric side effects have also been experienced. These tend to be much more severe and include hallucinations and paranoia.

    Long Term Effects

    • The most damaging effect of Ritalin misuse is dependency. Among the other dangerous long-term effects are malnutrition, convulsions, twitching, irregular heart rhythms, delusions and formication (i.e., sensation of worms crawling under the skin).


    • Medical intervention is vital for successful treatment of Ritalin misuse. Suddenly discontinuing Ritalin can have significant side effects. A doctor must monitor the progress as a patient is tapered off Ritalin. Medical care must be provided for those experiencing withdrawal symptoms. Support groups and behavioral therapies are also available.


    • Never take a medication that is not prescribed to you by a licensed physician. Ritalin is a central nervous system stimulant, and misuse can have serious consequences. If you are taking Ritalin and experience side effects, see a doctor immediately. If you notice feelings of depression or extreme fatigue after discontinuing Ritalin, seek medical attention.

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