Harmful Drug Side Effects
According to a study published in Clinical Infections Diseases (2008), antibiotic drugs like penicillin can produce harmful side effects varying from rashes and hives to anaphylaxis.
MAO Inhibitors
MAOI drugs such as Parnate or Nardil are prescribed in order to treat the symptoms of depressive disorders, hypersomnia and phobias: the harmful side effects of these drugs come from their combination with high-level tyramine (amino acid) food, which if ingested while on an MAOI can produce fatal interactions.
Antipsychotic medications are prescribed to treat the psychotic symptoms of mood disorders like bipolar disorder or schizophrenia: harmful side effects tend to occur with long-term use and include the development of tardive dyskinesia (involuntary movements) and Parkinsonism (muscle rigidness, arched posture and salivation).
Weight Loss Drugs
Weight loss drugs such as the over-the-counter drug Alli can have embarrassing and uncomfortable side effects, such as diarrhea and anal leakage; however, it can also be harmful by virtue of its intended use: in binding to the fats consumed by the user and taking them out of the digestive system, it also blocks the absorption of essential fats such as omega-3 fatty acids.
Condition-Specific Drugs
Specialized medications for specific medical conditions, such as erectile dysfunction (Viagra, Levitra and Cialis) can have serious effects on the heart, particularly if the user has a history of heart problems or high/low blood pressure, can trigger a dangerous drop in blood pressure, provoke a loss of consciousness and may also induce an unhealthy sustained erection.