Nicotine Patch Instructions
Obtaining The Patch
Nicotine patches are available without prescriptions and are sold at major pharmacies. People who have problems with their heart or blood vessel should ask their doctor if the patch is the best form of nicotine replacement for them. The patch is usually used for about 2 months.
Nicotine patches come in several strengths. It is best for smokers to start using a strong patch containing 15 to 22 milligrams of nicotine. Users should wear this patch for 4 weeks, then a reduced-strength patch (5 to 14 milligrams) for another 4 weeks.
Daily Use
Patch users should apply the patch at the start of each day. The patch must be placed between the neck and the waist and should be worn on a different part of the body each day to lessen the chance of skin irritation.
Side Effects
Nicotine is a stimulant and causes effects such as restlessness, anxiety and increased heart rate. Users of the patch should report any unusual (or unusually strong) side effects to their doctors.