How to Understand Alcohol Detox
Accepting change is the first step for many alcoholics. If an alcoholic is in denial of his substance abuse problem, treatment will not work and most alcoholics will relapse. Often, it takes a medical crisis or a safety intervention by family and friends for an alcoholic to admit his addiction.
Investigate all treatment options. There are hundreds of alcohol detoxification programs available. Inpatient facilities include drug and alcohol treatment centers as well as medical hospitals. Other treatment plans can be performed at home. Programs should be medically monitored by doctors and nurses who specialize in addiction medicine.
Learn what is happening to the body during alcohol detoxification. The brain naturally creates a neurotransmitter inhibitor called GABA. When alcohol consumption occurs, the GABA is reduced. This is not an immediate issue because alchohol is also a neurotransmitter inhibitor and can replace the missing GABA. However, once the alcohol consumption stops, there is nothing to control neurons firing in the brain. In severe cases, this can cause severe seizures, convulsions and heart attacks.
Understand that withdrawal symptoms may occur, depending on the level of alcoholism. Symptoms include seizures, severe shaking and hallucinations, and they can be life threatening. The duration of symptoms is five to seven days, with symptoms being most severe between days one and three. Withdrawal symptoms are specific to each person and their addiction. A variety of medications can be administered to counteract the effects of the withdrawal symptoms.