Pavilion Alcoholism Treatment

Pavillion is a nonprofit center for the treatment of alcohol and other drug addictions. Located in Lake Lure, North Carolina, it is about two hours west of Charlotte. Pavillion is licensed by the state of North Carolina, and is a member of the National Association of Addiction Treatment. Pavillion bases its treatment on the principles of the 12 steps, which were popularized by Alcoholics Anonymous.
  1. Early Treatment Stages

    • When patients arrive at Pavillion, most will require a safe, medical detoxification from alcohol. Without a medical detox, depending on the severity of the individual's addiction, a person could have seizures, experience tremors and fall into a deep depression. With a medical detox, an individual's withdrawal symptoms can be significantly reduced. This portion of treatment lasts about one week. Staff will also use this time to diagnose the patient for other medical and psychological problems. Each patient is assigned a counselor to guide her through Pavillion's rehabilitation treatment.

    Treatment Program

    • Following the period of detox, Pavillion patients will be fully integrated into the rehabilitation program. They are expected to participate in group therapy, dual-diagnosis care, lectures about the disease of alcoholism, 12 -step meetings and family therapy. The goal of these programs is to help the patient learn new coping skills and manage stress and anxiety without self-medicating with substances. He is also given the tools to identify the triggers that cause his cravings and recognize the situations that could lead him to relapse. If an individual has a dual diagnosis, such as alcoholism with major depression, this is also the point at which therapy for additional problems will be addressed.

    Step Down Care

    • Certain patients qualify for Pavillion's next level of "step down" care. The Professional's Extended Care Residential Program is for executives, managers, health-care practitioners and other professionals who are prone to relapse. Pavillion requires a 90-day, voluntary commitment to this program. These patients are given the opportunity to connect with other recovering professional peers and prepare to return to work.

    After Care

    • At the end of every patient's period of treatment at Pavillion, counselors will advise individuals on ways to proceed with an after-care plan. This may include individual substance abuse therapy, group therapy for recovering alcoholics or outpatient rehab, and a commitment to finding a sponsor in a 12-step Alcoholics Anonymous program. Without a plan for after care, a patient's risk of relapsing is much higher than that experienced by patients who go back to the community with support for their addiction.

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